Pittwater Motoring Enthusiasts Association (PMEA or the Club) was founded in 1994 on the Northern Beaches and Pittwater region of Sydney. The Club fosters a friendship among people with a shared interest in vehicles of all types both old and new, including cars, motorcycles and other types of machinery and equipment.

The Club encourages the preservation, restoration, maintenance, use and display of historic vehicles and machinery.

Members and guests can attend fortnightly Tuesday meetings held at the Pittwater R.S.L. 82 Mona Vale Road, Mona Vale starting at 7.30pm.

Members meet socially in a range of regular events from our Events Calendar. The Club is very proud of its support, via donations, to charitable organisations each year. A Club magazine 'STAY TUNED' is published online every two months.

Most importantly, the Club encourages members to be active participants, not just joining the Club for the ‘cheap rego.’

The Pittwater RSL has the Glasshouse Grill if you want to arrive early for dinner or a light snack, full bar facilities and plenty of off-street parking.

If you would like to become a member please Click HERE to view.

For general club enquiries, please SMS/Text only to PMEA Vice President, Barry Ahearn  on 0418 461 207. Your message will be responded to as soon as possible.

Stop Press

UPDATED - 6.00pm Sunday 23rd March 2025

P.M.E.A. Sponsors member Alastair Macdonald in this year's SHITBOX RALLY.

If individual members would also like to contribute to Alastair's efforts with all funds going to the Cancer Council please Click HERE


Northern Beaches 2025 Car & Bike Show

PMEA and Northern Beaches Hot Rods combine in launching a new show in April 2025. 

***Almost fully booked with only 9 spaces remaining as at 23/3/25******

Once full capacity is reached, should you wish to enter, you will be placed on a waiting list****

Get your entry in quickly or miss out!!!!

"Read All About It" below. Volunteer Marshalls x 40 required. If you can assist in volunteering, please contact Ross Cordukes.

CLICK HERE for all details



What is it?

It’s a central contact whereby each P.M.E.A. member can interact with the community and provide input and material for events, promotions, special occasions, talks, reviews and more.

Over the last year we’ve had

  • Me and my first car.
  • I’m a newbie – get to know me.
  • Old – new car review.
  • Member interviews.
  • Social Events.
  • People’s choice awards.

Please feel free to email to PMEASocial@gmail.com and send through your material, ideas and thoughts. Let’s keep our meetings entertaining and interesting.


The latest edition (February 2025) of CMC Preserve Magazine is now out

CLICK HERE to read.


REMINDER – Club Registered Vehicle

Members with PMEA registered vehicles must advise the Club when they have sold or de-registered a vehicle. In addition, you must provide the HVS or CVS registration number of any newly acquired vehicle to PMEA once it has been registered. Council of Motor Clubs (CMC) require PMEA to keep up to date records of the number of HVS and CVS vehicles on its Register. Please advise the Club Secretary secretarypmea@outlook.com.au

Members are also reminded that HVS & CVS vehicles are only to be used fro private NOT commercial purposes.


Please be reminded that Associate (Family) membership DOES NOT entitle you to HVS or CVS registration through P.M.E.A. Click HERE to familiarise yourself with all membership types and benefits.

Upcoming Events


Current issue of Stay Tuned, click on the image or right click/save link as to save a copy to your hard drive, will need Acrobat reader to view.


Registration (summary only)

For registration of Historic Vehicle (HSV) or Classic Vehicle (CVS), be it a car, motorcycle, truck or bus, Click HERE for full details of how to proceed.

To assist in getting started, the following links to the applicable forms required are provided below:

For new and renewal vehicle registrations, PMEA requires members to complete Part A of the Examiner’s Form and take it with them to their prearranged appointment at the selected PMEA Examiner.

Other where it states, “Office Use only” PMEA members are to complete all other sections.

PMEA members are required to complete Part 1 & Part 2, print it off and take it with them to their prearranged appointment at the selected PMEA Examiner.

If PMEA members change clubs during the registration period, they need to complete Part 1 & Part 2 of this form and get it signed by the new club. Take it to a service centre to get a replacement Certificate of Approved Operations

PMEA members should fully familiarise themselves with this document before proceeding further.

PMEA members should follow these requirements carefully to avoid delays and disappointment.


Authorised Examiners


Stuart Dunbar Straight 8 Garage
Rear – 93 Darley Street, MONA VALE
Ph 0433 356 488 (text or leave a message and Stuart will call you back)

Steve Travica ST Kar Kraft
13-14/45 Bassett Street, MONA VALE
Ph 9997 7247

Anthony Cirillo Cromer Motors
36 Orlando Road, CROMER
Ph 9982 7317



Effective from the 1st July 2024, P.M.E.A’s authorised Vehicle Examiners are guided by a recommended fee schedule:

HVS initial application inspection: $80.00
HVS renewal inspection: $60.00

HVS initial application inspection: $100.00
HVS renewal inspection: $60.00
CVS initial application inspection: $150.00
CVS renewal inspection: $120.00


Major Sponsor

Pittwater Motor Enthusiasts' Association is pleased to announce Pittwater R.S.L. as its major sponsor.

Click HERE to become a member of Pittwater R.S.L.





Calling all chocoholics and seafood lovers, with over $4,000 in prizes and 70 chances to win, this is the Easter event you don’t want to miss! We’ve got Easter egg baskets, seafood vouchers, and even 10 exclusive in-house prizes for those who join us at the club on the night. Whether you're watching from home or coming in for the fun, there are plenty of chances to score a sweet (or seafood-filled) win! 🎉

📅 Thursday, 17 April - Raffle starts at 6:30 PM

📍 Pittwater RSL & Livestreamed on Facebook

🍫🐟 What’s up for grabs?

🎁 60 raffle prizes – A mix of Easter egg baskets & seafood vouchers (everyone is in the draw!)
🎉 10 bonus in-house prizes – Exclusive to those who come into the club on the night!

💰 Tickets are as cheap as chips! 10 for $10, 20 for $15 and 50 for $25

Don’t miss out on the fun—grab your tickets now and get ready for a cracking good Easter! 🐣✨

🎟️ Buy now: https://pubandclub.co/pittwater-rsl-easter-raffle-2025/





82 Mona Vale Road


PO BOX 499
NSW 2106