Membership of the Pittwater Motor Enthusiasts Association welcomes you into a community of over 500 motor enthusiasts with a wealth of knowledge and depth of enthusiasm for most things with a motor. Current membership mainly includes many car marques, a wide variety of motorbikes and also stationary engines and even lawn mowers, buses and tractors… something for everyone.
Each two months you will receive an electronic copy of the Club magazine, ‘STAY TUNED’, be eligible to attend meetings and take part in a wide range of social events.
This will give you access to membership features, archives allow you to access our exclusive Club Merchandise.
Use your email address and membership number to log in. If you need to query your Membership number, click HERE
MEMBERSHIP TYPES AND FEES (as of 17th January 2024)
Individual (Primary) Membership: $100 application fee plus $75 annual fee.
Family Membership (to be introduced 1 July 2024): Includes Individual (Primary) member plus one Associate member* (spouse/partner) $100 application fee plus $100 annual fee.
*Note: Associate members do not have voting rights at the AGM and are not eligible to nominate or stand for Committee roles, not eligable for awards or participation in the Michael Andrew’s Trophy. See table below for full details.
Prospective new members should first acquaint themselves with Club Procedures, which can be viewed click HERE
After agreement to Club Procedures, prospective new members must attend a General Meeting to submit their Membership Application Form, which can be requested from the Membership Officer click HERE , or obtained at a General Meeting.
Prospective new members, at the beginning of a General Meeting, will be asked to formally introduce themselves to the members and briefly talk about their interest in motoring and share what vehicles they own. At the conclusion of the General Meeting, the Membership Application Form can be given to the Membership Officer or a Club Official, together with the applicable Joining and Membership Fee. The Treasurer will forward your receipt electronically.
Membership will be formally conferred to the prospective new member when an official electronic Receipt and Membership Card are forwarded via email. The Membership Card may be printed for safe keeping in a wallet or glove box or photographed for use on a Smart phone.
When membership is conferred by the Club, the electronic Membership Card will be issued. This card can be used as proof of Club Membership if the member wishes to apply for Historic Vehicle Scheme (HVS) Registration, click HERE, or Classic Vehicle Scheme (CVS) Registration, click HERE.
New members will pay the applicable Joining Fee plus the annual Membership Fee. Payment can be by cash, EFTPOS or bank transfer as outlined on the Membership Application Form. Membership is for a financial year which expires on June 30 each year. New members joining in May to June will be given full membership for the next financial year.
The financial year is from July 1 to June 30. Renewal notices are communicated to members via meetings, email, Club Magazine and SMS. Applicable Annual Renewal Fee is payable by cash, EFTPOS or bank transfer. Payment of the fee must be accompanied by a completed MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL FORM which is available in the Members Only Section of this website.
It is anticipated that members will participate in Club meetings and events. The Club reserves the right to decline renewal for members who, in the opinion of the committee, fail to engage sufficiently in Club activities without good reason.
A person becomes an unfinancial member of Pittwater Motor Enthusiasts Association and loses all voting rights if they fail to renew before the due date of June 30.
A consequence of not renewing by June 30 means that you are no longer a financial member of a Roads and Maritime Services registered car club. After this date, if you have Historic Vehicle Registration it will be illegal to drive as your registration and insurances will be invalid, not to mention potential associated fines.
Membership will lapse unless the Renewal Fee is paid by September 30. Late renewal may incur a re-joining fee made up of the $100 application fee plus applicable annual fee.
NOTE: In applying for new membership or renewing your annual membership as set out above, you are declaring that any and all modifications that may have been made to your vehicles registered under RMS’s Historic Vehicle Scheme (HVS) or the Classic Vehicle Scheme (CVS), have been disclosed to and approved by any of Pittwater Motor Enthusiasts Association club’s approved Vehicle Inspectors. The onus is on individual Pittwater Motor Enthusiasts Association members and NOT the responsibility of Pittwater Motor Enthusiasts Association club.
All persons aged 16 years and above will be considered for membership to Pittwater Motor Enthusiasts Association.